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 Adam i Eva - (samo) simboli za yin i yang

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Dark angel

Posts : 617
Join date : 21.05.2009
Dob : 42
Lokacija : Galactica

Adam i Eva  - (samo) simboli za yin i yang  Empty
PostajNaslov: Adam i Eva - (samo) simboli za yin i yang    Adam i Eva  - (samo) simboli za yin i yang  Emptypon svi 07, 2012 1:15 am

"Had we remained in constant harmony, we would have shared in the beauty of the relationship of cosmic lovers throughout our many incarnations on earth. But when we lost our harmony with each other and with God - through fear, disobedience to cosmic law, or through a sense of separation from our divine identity, we made negative karma (debts to life - the cumulative effects of our past good and bad deeds from this and previous lifetimes) which separated us from our twin flame and from God.
The story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden is partly an allegory of this separation of twin flames. We thus found ourselves moving further and further apart from our twin flames and sometimes spending entire lifetimes without meeting. At other times we have assumed various relationships with each other: husband and wife; parent and child; brother and sister and teacher and disciple, in order to balance the karma we have made with each other as twin flames and the karma of separation from God through our own free will."
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Adam i Eva - (samo) simboli za yin i yang
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