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| Wake-up call | |
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Nepenthe Dark angel
Posts : 617 Join date : 21.05.2009 Dob : 42 Lokacija : Galactica
| Naslov: Wake-up call čet svi 03, 2012 5:01 am | |
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| | | Nepenthe Dark angel
Posts : 617 Join date : 21.05.2009 Dob : 42 Lokacija : Galactica
| Naslov: Re: Wake-up call pon svi 07, 2012 2:18 am | |
| “How can you survive without money?” I can assure you that out of the trillions of other higher life forms that exist in the multiverse, there is no money. If a UFO were to land in your backyard, the ET would not have any money (or a bible). When you cross over to the other side, there is no money. Before the invention of money, we survived, yet too many people cannot see how this has manipulated us into being materialistic and self-serving while separating us as people and nations. It costs the Federal Reserve the exact same amount of "money" to print a $1 bill as it does to print a $100 bill, so what makes the $100 piece of paper worth more than the $1 piece of paper if both are backed by nothing? As evidence by the Venus Project, we can live amazing lives without money, most laws and government. Moments of global awakening Being passive or being aggressive is not the answer. If you’re passive, then you are basically agreeing to the manipulation. If you are aggressive, then you’re playing into the fear card. The answer is non-compliance while claiming your sovereignty as a human being. One of the biggest catalysts to this global awakening was the travesty of 9/11, which is viewed by many as an inside job. If you have any questions about 9/11, then investigate how building 7 collapsed when it wasn’t even hit by an airplane. Look into how the dust contains military grade nanothermite. Check out how the steel columns are sliced off at a 45 degree angle as they do in controlled demolitions. Research how George Bush’s brother, Marvin, was involved in the security of the World Trade Center. Another awakening moment came after the election of Barack Obama, who has shown the world that it doesn’t matter if you are black or white, republican or democrat, the president is going to support the banksters, the lobbyists, Wall Street, Big Pharma and the military industrial complex while bailing out businesses that they deem are “too big to fail”. In the upcoming 2012 election, every candidate supports going to war with the exception of Ron Paul. As we’re seeing right now, the United States is instigating war with Iran by placing sanctions on them. Let’s not forget how our government sent drones over their land to spy on them, yet rest assured, the mainstream media will spin this as if Iran is the aggressor. Obama has been playing the same exact card as republican George Bush. Same shit, different toilet. One thing that history has shown us is that when a president’s popularity drops significantly, then either a false flag event is imminent or the mainstream media will make up some bullshit story to boost his ratings. Exhibit A is George H.W. Bush and 9/11. Exhibit B is Barack Obama and the alleged capturing of Osama Bin Laden, who many believe had died many years earlier. Under Obama, the United States is essentially under Marshall Law through the numerous checkpoints by Homeland Security and the TSA. Now, under Obama, any American citizen can be arrested and held indefinitely without an attorney for any suspicion of being a terrorist, which basically takes away all of the rights of any U.S. citizen. This is not the hope and change Obama promised and it wouldn’t have been any different under neocon John McCain who is on record for favoring a “100 year war”. Same shit, different toilet.
Now, people are turning to alternative news websites to get their information because NONE of the mainstream media can be trusted. How many times have you seen a promo for the news that says something like, “Tonight at 6, learn 5 ways to lower your cholesterol” but when you tune in, they will tell you all about how the world has gone to hell in a handbasket while saving their little snippet for the end of the newscast. In the meanwhile, they are manipulating your thoughts through fear. Who really needs this? Surely, there are enough good things going on in this world that could fill the half hour, but this is not their agenda. Statistics have proven that violent crime rates have dropped significantly in the past 3 years, yet they keep selling the fear. Take a look at what is being shown at your local theater: fear, death and doom. Perhaps this is why the box office is suffering from abysmally low ticket sales, yet the movie producers refuse to change their agenda. These are the realities that we have chosen, but as we awaken, the reality is shifting as evidenced by the numerous “Occupy” events globally. If you were to poll every world leader, they would all favor war…any war. If you were to poll every world citizen, the majority would favor peace. How much longer will we tolerate this reality before we decide to change it? It all begins with the awakening.
in5d.com | |
| | | Cecilia Isabelle
Posts : 13 Join date : 30.05.2012 Dob : 54 Lokacija : Zagreb
| Naslov: Re: Wake-up call sri svi 30, 2012 10:45 am | |
| - Nepenthe je napisao/la:
- “How can you survive without money?”
I can assure you that out of the trillions of other higher life forms that exist in the multiverse, there is no money. If a UFO were to land in your backyard, the ET would not have any money (or a bible). When you cross over to the other side, there is no money. Before the invention of money, we survived, yet too many people cannot see how this has manipulated us into being materialistic and self-serving while separating us as people and nations. It costs the Federal Reserve the exact same amount of "money" to print a $1 bill as it does to print a $100 bill, so what makes the $100 piece of paper worth more than the $1 piece of paper if both are backed by nothing? As evidence by the Venus Project, we can live amazing lives without money, most laws and government. Moments of global awakening Being passive or being aggressive is not the answer. If you’re passive, then you are basically agreeing to the manipulation. If you are aggressive, then you’re playing into the fear card. The answer is non-compliance while claiming your sovereignty as a human being. One of the biggest catalysts to this global awakening was the travesty of 9/11, which is viewed by many as an inside job. If you have any questions about 9/11, then investigate how building 7 collapsed when it wasn’t even hit by an airplane. Look into how the dust contains military grade nanothermite. Check out how the steel columns are sliced off at a 45 degree angle as they do in controlled demolitions. Research how George Bush’s brother, Marvin, was involved in the security of the World Trade Center. Another awakening moment came after the election of Barack Obama, who has shown the world that it doesn’t matter if you are black or white, republican or democrat, the president is going to support the banksters, the lobbyists, Wall Street, Big Pharma and the military industrial complex while bailing out businesses that they deem are “too big to fail”. In the upcoming 2012 election, every candidate supports going to war with the exception of Ron Paul. As we’re seeing right now, the United States is instigating war with Iran by placing sanctions on them. Let’s not forget how our government sent drones over their land to spy on them, yet rest assured, the mainstream media will spin this as if Iran is the aggressor. Obama has been playing the same exact card as republican George Bush. Same shit, different toilet. One thing that history has shown us is that when a president’s popularity drops significantly, then either a false flag event is imminent or the mainstream media will make up some bullshit story to boost his ratings. Exhibit A is George H.W. Bush and 9/11. Exhibit B is Barack Obama and the alleged capturing of Osama Bin Laden, who many believe had died many years earlier. Under Obama, the United States is essentially under Marshall Law through the numerous checkpoints by Homeland Security and the TSA. Now, under Obama, any American citizen can be arrested and held indefinitely without an attorney for any suspicion of being a terrorist, which basically takes away all of the rights of any U.S. citizen. This is not the hope and change Obama promised and it wouldn’t have been any different under neocon John McCain who is on record for favoring a “100 year war”. Same shit, different toilet.
Now, people are turning to alternative news websites to get their information because NONE of the mainstream media can be trusted. How many times have you seen a promo for the news that says something like, “Tonight at 6, learn 5 ways to lower your cholesterol” but when you tune in, they will tell you all about how the world has gone to hell in a handbasket while saving their little snippet for the end of the newscast. In the meanwhile, they are manipulating your thoughts through fear. Who really needs this? Surely, there are enough good things going on in this world that could fill the half hour, but this is not their agenda. Statistics have proven that violent crime rates have dropped significantly in the past 3 years, yet they keep selling the fear. Take a look at what is being shown at your local theater: fear, death and doom. Perhaps this is why the box office is suffering from abysmally low ticket sales, yet the movie producers refuse to change their agenda. These are the realities that we have chosen, but as we awaken, the reality is shifting as evidenced by the numerous “Occupy” events globally. If you were to poll every world leader, they would all favor war…any war. If you were to poll every world citizen, the majority would favor peace. How much longer will we tolerate this reality before we decide to change it? It all begins with the awakening.
in5d.com U normalnom društvu ne živimo, a jesmo li mi normalni... heh, tko bi to znao. | |
| | | Nepenthe Dark angel
Posts : 617 Join date : 21.05.2009 Dob : 42 Lokacija : Galactica
| Naslov: Re: Wake-up call sri svi 30, 2012 12:06 pm | |
| Društvo čine ljudi. Ako nije normalno društvo, znači nisu ni ljudi - oni koji ga čine. Ovdje se radi o politici, a u politici ima jedna krilatica koja kaže da narod ima ono što zaslužuje, tj. ima onakvu Vladu kakvu si je odabrao. Dok god ljudi smatraju da je ići na izbore i birati iste idiote "građanska dužnost", do tada će biti diktatura a ne demokracija. It all begins with AWAKENING! Tako je bilo uvijek, tako će i biti. Gledano kroz prizmu povijesti, upravo je stanje tj. razina svijesti bila ta koja je određivala... Ne trebamo Zakone. Oni mogu biti ovakvi ili onakvi, ali bitna je SVIJEST koju ljudi imaju o nečemu. Primjera je na 100-tine. Zato je važno da se što više ljudi nastaviti buditi. Tek onda i samo onda možemo imati STVARNE I POTREBNE PROMJENE. Za to nam ne trebaju političari i popovi da nam daju lažna obećanja i lažne nade, da nam prodaju muda pod bubrege. | |
| | | Cecilia Isabelle
Posts : 13 Join date : 30.05.2012 Dob : 54 Lokacija : Zagreb
| Naslov: Re: Wake-up call sri svi 30, 2012 2:30 pm | |
| - Nepenthe je napisao/la:
- Društvo čine ljudi. Ako nije normalno društvo, znači nisu ni ljudi - oni koji ga čine. Ovdje se radi o politici, a u politici ima jedna krilatica koja kaže da narod ima ono što zaslužuje, tj. ima onakvu Vladu kakvu si je odabrao. Dok god ljudi smatraju da je ići na izbore i birati iste idiote "građanska dužnost", do tada će biti diktatura a ne demokracija. It all begins with AWAKENING! Tako je bilo uvijek, tako će i biti. Gledano kroz prizmu povijesti, upravo je stanje tj. razina svijesti bila ta koja je određivala... Ne trebamo Zakone. Oni mogu biti ovakvi ili onakvi, ali bitna je SVIJEST koju ljudi imaju o nečemu. Primjera je na 100-tine. Zato je važno da se što više ljudi nastaviti buditi. Tek onda i samo onda možemo imati STVARNE I POTREBNE PROMJENE. Za to nam ne trebaju političari i popovi da nam daju lažna obećanja i lažne nade, da nam prodaju muda pod bubrege.
Pa, ljudi baš i nisu dobri | |
| | | Nepenthe Dark angel
Posts : 617 Join date : 21.05.2009 Dob : 42 Lokacija : Galactica
| Naslov: Re: Wake-up call čet svi 31, 2012 12:48 am | |
| Kako koji. Ljudi su nekad BILI dobri, dok nas reptili nisu genetskim inženjeringom modificirali i dali nam svoje reptilske gene... | |
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