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 Kristen Stewart

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Dark angel

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Join date : 21.05.2009
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Kristen Stewart Empty
PostajNaslov: Kristen Stewart   Kristen Stewart Emptypet sij 20, 2012 1:40 am

Twilight stars Kristen Stewart (Bella Swan) and Nikki Reed (Rosalie Cullen) seem to have become more than BFF and have been seen together holding hands and kissing fueling the lesbian romance rumors.

The movie, K-11, takes place in the section of the Los Angeles county jail that holds gay inmates, keeping them segregated from the general prison population. (“K-11” is the official classification for a gay inmate.) Stewart, who stars as Bella in Twilight, will play a boy and Reed, Twilight’s Rosalie, will play a 30-year-old man. Stewart’s mom, veteran script supervisor Jules Stewart, will direct.
Nikki said on interview she dropped everything to be with her “friend” Kristen.
Reed recently accompanied Stewart to the New Orleans set of Stewart’s next movie, Welcome to the Rileys.

“I stayed there while she was shooting,” Reed said. “She’s actually coming back for two more days on Monday, and I’m missing all of my press next week so I can just go be with her, just because, like, that’s what life is all about, you know what I mean?” I love you
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