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 Looking for wedding dress

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4 posters

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Join date : 12.05.2011

Looking for wedding dress  Empty
PostajNaslov: Looking for wedding dress    Looking for wedding dress  Emptyčet svi 12, 2011 8:09 pm

Sorry for shouting, but I'm SO EXCITED!! It is BEAUTIFUL, if I do say so myself. ;D ;D We all kept saying "wow" the whole time I had it on. Go figure it was also the most expensive one (by far) I put on all day, but man it's so worth it. In my Mom's words: "That dress is kickass" (so not a comment my mom usually makes, either).

Not only did I get the dress of my DREAMS, but I also got a veil, shoes, and picked out bridesmaids dresses- all in about 4 hours!

Edited to add the link:
The pictures don't even do it justice. The bottom and back of the dress are just incredible.
To Buy Amazing Cheap Designer Shoes & bags, click <a href="">here</a>.
[Vrh] Go down

Posts : 114
Join date : 11.04.2011
Dob : 30

Looking for wedding dress  Empty
PostajNaslov: Re: Looking for wedding dress    Looking for wedding dress  Emptysub svi 21, 2011 2:49 am

A za kog se udaješ, ako smijem priupitati? Smile curu ili dečka?
[Vrh] Go down


Posts : 41
Join date : 28.04.2011
Dob : 35
Lokacija : Zagreb

Looking for wedding dress  Empty
PostajNaslov: Re: Looking for wedding dress    Looking for wedding dress  Emptypon svi 23, 2011 9:45 am

Ma, zenska je samo dosla reklamirat stranicu...ali je malo promasila forum, istospolni brakovi kod nas jos nisu dozvoljeni Laughing
[Vrh] Go down

Posts : 114
Join date : 11.04.2011
Dob : 30

Looking for wedding dress  Empty
PostajNaslov: Re: Looking for wedding dress    Looking for wedding dress  Emptypon svi 23, 2011 9:56 am

stracciatella je napisao/la:
Ma, zenska je samo dosla reklamirat stranicu...ali je malo promasila forum, istospolni brakovi kod nas jos nisu dozvoljeni Laughing

Da, to se i meni učinilo... Smile sam kaj sam htijela provjerit govori li cura hrvatski. Jer ako ne, onda kužim da je "lipstick forum" zazvučao kao nešto modno, pa samo da ju checkam Razz Smile Smile
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True Love

True Love

Posts : 4
Join date : 21.05.2011
Dob : 32
Lokacija : ZG U <3

Looking for wedding dress  Empty
PostajNaslov: Re: Looking for wedding dress    Looking for wedding dress  Emptysub svi 28, 2011 1:55 pm

Možda se odselila pa se udaje negdje vani... Prava ljubav! I love you
[Vrh] Go down
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Looking for wedding dress  Empty
PostajNaslov: Re: Looking for wedding dress    Looking for wedding dress  Empty

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Looking for wedding dress
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