Ovo je forum za sve lezbijke i bi žene koje se osjećaju femme i vole iste takve žene. Ženstvenost nije striktno određena kategorija. Ona ovisi o samoidentifikaciji. Ako se identificirate kao femme i volite druge femme, ovo je mjesto za vas! |
| | Pokus sa akceleratorom, HM.. | |
| | Autor/ica | Poruka |
Posts : 12 Join date : 24.08.2009 Dob : 43 Lokacija : DaLmacija City hehe..
| Naslov: Pokus sa akceleratorom, HM.. sri oľu 31, 2010 4:51 pm | |
| VAŠE MIŠLJENJE?VELIKI HADRONSKI SUDARAČ Veliki hadronski sudarač, isto tako poznat po engleskoj skraćenici LHC je uređaj unutar kojega se sudaraju protoni. Smješten je u podzemnom tunelu dugom 27 kilometara na granici između Švicarske i Francuske. Uređaj je sagrađen sa ciljem da se provede važan pokus čije su pripreme trajale posljednjih 14 godina. Njegov cilj je stvoriti uvjete najsličnije onima koji su u univerzumu postojali neposredno poslije Velikog praska. Znanstvenici uključeni u projekt vjeruju da je univerzum nastao u trenutku Velikog praska te da bi se ponavljanjem tog događaja mogle dobiti vjerodostojne informacije o njegovom nastanku. Pokus će izazvati sudar protona, baš kao što je bilo u prirodi, ali će znanstvenici sad to moći pratiti na monitoru. Prema riječima jednog od sudionika projekta, to će rezultirati "s najvećom količinom energije koju je čovjek ikada stvorio". Na gradnji akceleratora je od 1994. godine sudjelovalo preko 10.000 znanstvenika, a troškovi su iznosili oko 9,5 milijardi dolara. Akcelerator je također predmet kontroverzi, s obzirom da nitko ne zna kakav će, zapravo, pokus imati rezultat, pa se spominje mogućnost stvaranja tzv. minijaturnih crnih rupa koje bi mogle progutati Švicarsku, a s njom i ostatak svijeta. Poseban odbor za sigurnost projekta je, pak, odbacio takve mogućnosti, a odbačeno je i nekoliko sudskih tužbi koje su pokušale spriječiti stavljanje LHC-a u pogon. | |
| | | CrystaL
Posts : 12 Join date : 24.08.2009 Dob : 43 Lokacija : DaLmacija City hehe..
| Naslov: Re: Pokus sa akceleratorom, HM.. sri oľu 31, 2010 4:58 pm | |
| Luđi od tih znanstvenika su oni koji im to dopuštaju.. nedavno je bilo na tv-u, da je opet u pogonu.. hm, ništa mi se to ne sviđa,, | |
| | | Lizistrata
Posts : 29 Join date : 09.06.2009 Dob : 35 Lokacija : zabreg
| Naslov: Re: Pokus sa akceleratorom, HM.. ned stu 28, 2010 6:30 pm | |
| članak je glup...da mi je vidjet tko je napisao takvu nebulozu..
a ovaj iznad mene odg proizlazi iz neznanja..
ovo nije prvi akcelerator čestica samo je najveći..i ne, ne mogu nastati crne rupe.. al ajde..
ima puno sajtova na kojima se da kvalitetno informirat o ome što taj uređaj radi i sve će vam biti jasno ako poznajete makar osnove kvantne fizike (kojih isto ima lijepo opisanih na netu) | |
| | | Nepenthe Dark angel
Posts : 617 Join date : 21.05.2009 Dob : 42 Lokacija : Galactica
| Naslov: Re: Pokus sa akceleratorom, HM.. pon stu 29, 2010 3:37 am | |
| Kretenizam at its purest form. | |
| | | Lizistrata
Posts : 29 Join date : 09.06.2009 Dob : 35 Lokacija : zabreg
| Naslov: Re: Pokus sa akceleratorom, HM.. pon stu 29, 2010 7:46 am | |
| - Nepenthe je napisao/la:
- Kretenizam at its purest form.
na što ti se to odnosi?elaboriraj.. | |
| | | Nepenthe Dark angel
Posts : 617 Join date : 21.05.2009 Dob : 42 Lokacija : Galactica
| Naslov: Re: Pokus sa akceleratorom, HM.. sri sij 18, 2012 10:43 am | |
| - Lizistrata je napisao/la:
- Nepenthe je napisao/la:
- Kretenizam at its purest form.
na što ti se to odnosi?elaboriraj.. www.4shared.com/office/M8e9FG53/GeorgiStankov-Zakonstvaranjair.htmlZa protuprirodne kretene koji se oslanjaju na nepouzdane znanosti, za religijske fanatike, za one koji žele učiti i za druge "radnike svjetlosti" koji se trude probuditi što više spavača. Zbogom religijama, zbogom tzv. "prirodnim" znanostima (koje nemaju veze sa pravom PRIRODOM) čiji se temelji opako urušavaju, zbogom svijetu kojeg smo poznavali i dobro jutro slobodama i novom svijetu kojeg većina nestrpljivo iščekuje! Oni koji nemaju hrabrosti suočiti se velikim i novim intelektualnim izazovima, neka ovo ne čitaju. A upravo je to ono što uspavane mase i trebaju - jedno globalno brutalno "šamaranje". Vezano za Božju česticu; fizički svijet se može opisati na ispravan način samo, ako je shvaćena bit Svega-Što-Jest - prije svega, njegovog zatvorenog karaktera. Točno tu je empirijska znanost potpuno podbacila. Cjelina je zatvorena. Da bi opisali njene dijelove, ova ideja se mora uvesti na neki način u fizičkom pogledu na svijet. To je postignuto izmišljanjem apstraktnih zatvorenih sustava kao npr. idealni elastični sudar, crnog zračenja, itd., koje hipotetički ne bi trebali razmjenjivati energiju s okolinom. Međutim, svi sustavi su otvoreni. Baš kao i matematika, fizika se u suštini temelji na paradoksu i antinomiji. Važno je primijetiti da je konvencionalna fizika u potpunosti SVJESNA ovih temeljnih nedosljednosti. Iako se takvi zatvoreni sustavi mogu naĆi u bilo kojem udžbeniku fizike, ovoj disciplini nije uspjelo potvrditi činjenicu da takav sustav kao npr. Carnot stroj, s kojim su objašnjeni termodinamički adijabatski procesi, ne postoji. Inače, imali bismo već stvoren Perpetuum Mobile, vječni izvor energije, i svi naši energetski problemi bi bili riješeni zauvijek. Postoje mnogi drugi temeljni teorijski nedostatci današnje fizike. Na primjer, sve tekuće fizičke konstante, veličina, količina, varijable, dimenzije i odgovarajude SI-jedinice su definirane na kružni način, na primjer, prostor (dužina) definiran je uvođenjem vremena i uz prešutnu pretpostavku da je ta količina već čvrsto uspostavljena. Definicija vremena, sama, treba a priori uvođenje duljine (prostor); struja i odgovarajude SI-jedinica definiran je kroz napon i obrnuto - napon kroz struju. Ovaj popis može se proširiti u beskonačnost. Sve definicije fizikalnih veličina i njihove dimenzije pridržavaju se, bez iznimki principa pokvarenog kruga (circulus vitiosus): Jedan dio se definira kroz drugi, dok je Cijelo zanemareno. Ova okolnost sprječava pravo razumijevanje Svega-Što-Jest u tekućim empirijskim znanostima. Ova jednostavna epistemološke činjenica je tako očita u teoriji fizike čak i za poćetnike. Svi znanstvenici slaboumnici potpuno nesposobni za bilo koje osnovno logično razmišljanje. Natrag na fiziku! Od klasične Newtonove mehanike, pogrešna ideju o postojanju vakuuma/praznine kao praznom geometrijskom prostoru dalje se propagira u klasičnoj kvantnoj mehanici i, kasnije, u kvantnoj elektrodinamici (QED), i kvantnoj kromo-dinamici (QCD) kao što je sažeto u standardnom modelu. Ovaj primjer pokazuje kako jedna krivo ideja je produbiti i umnožiti, i kako to počinje gušiti umove znanstvenika da takve neodoljive mjere, da gotovo ne postoji izlaz iz tog mentalnog labirinta intelektualnog ludila, dok ne dođe netko s jasnim umom i presječe Gordijski čvor ove zbunjenosti, koja se zove empirijska znanost. Arijadnina nit, uz pomod kojih de znanstvenici pobjedi iz trenutnog labirinta svog beskonačnog znanstvenih zabluda, je nova fizička i matematička aksiomatika Univerzalnog Zakona. Nijedan od milijuna fizičara i znanstvenika koji proučavaju i poučavaju ovu disciplinu, uključujudi i sve znanstvenike koji su živjeli u posljednjih četiristo godina, od kada se pojavila moderna fizike nije shvatio pravu logiku iza ove jednostavne definicije mase, koji bi trebao biti dostupni bilo kome sosnovnim matematičkim znanjem. Trebalo bi se pitati, kad su znanstvenici napustili granicu oligophrenie (urođena maloumnost) i su ušli u područje imbecilnosti. (isječak iz gore navedene knjige) | |
| | | Nepenthe Dark angel
Posts : 617 Join date : 21.05.2009 Dob : 42 Lokacija : Galactica
| Naslov: Re: Pokus sa akceleratorom, HM.. pon svi 07, 2012 8:08 am | |
| " It is hardly possible to research such subjects using a purely clinical approach. The clinical approach, in its cold, calculated method, is greatly to blame for our misunderstanding of nature. Science is the scholarly discipline of discovering truths about Nature. Yet when these truths touch on areas we deem too personal or philosophical, we tend to ignore them. We act as if there is no place for philosophy and spiritualism in hard science. Yet in our own scientific method, we use many different tools to verify potential discoveries but we seem to use only one intellectual tool to do science: Logic. Often, however, it is instinct and inspiration that leads us to the greatest discoveries. Pure Logic tends to rule out the latter though we fail time and again to realize that it is instinct and inspiration working with logic and reason through which we achieve our greatest discoveries. Thus, our own methods cloud our understanding. Our failure to employ all our mental faculties has caused us to see only a fraction of the picture ... and to think that there is nothing more. We are emotional beings and for too long have defined our emotions as counterproductive to reason. Though science itself has found that reasoning cannot exist without emotion. Computers are very good at doing calculations but are incapable of independent thought. Sure a computer can play chess but this is purely procedural and they cannot answer any questions unless we, the programmers, provide most of the answers ahead of time. Essentially, computers only do faster, the things we already know how to do. These problems are being solved through the use of Fuzzy Logic, a method of programming where computers actually learn to solve problems on their own. This technology comes from studying the mechanisms of the Human Brain. So we find that in order to make a computer "think" we must impart it with the illogical aspects of the biological mind. In fact, there are efforts underway to integrate living Neuron Tissues onto circuit boards in an effort to achieve true Artificial Intelligence. So we see that our efforts to produce miracle Machines to solve our problems leads us back to ourselves. And if it takes a biological machine to discover the secrets of Life and the Universe, then we are those machines! Why then, are we failing to see that we are already equipped to solve these secrets. The tools of instinct, emotion, logic and reason which we already possess have been there all along for our immediate use. Science has taught us not to trust some of these tools, yet it is through the use of all of tools which will discover the deeper meanings. It is impossible to study even a seemingly nuts and bolts phenomena such as UFOs without running into spiritual references. This makes it difficult for pure scientists to take the subject seriously. It is an issue which superficially appears to be purely of a physical nature, but Abductees often report such outlandish things as being "floated" through solid walls or being taken in an "Etheric" or Out-Of-Body state. Such things are impossible for traditional scientific methods to prove for science does not acknowledge the existence of the spirit and seeks a purely physical and mechanical explanation. Yet with so many millions of credible and certifiably sane individuals reporting these phenomenal events, it would be foolish to just dismiss the whole phenomena out of hand. Many researchers feel that the physical reality of the UFO phenomena is less important than the obvious cultural trend. There is definitely something behind these experiences that may have as much to do with our own nature than that of the alleged Aliens themselves. People have had these experiences and have been seeing anomalous objects in our skies for thousands of years. But there have never been any real attempts to understand the phenomena, partly because until recently, we had not what we feel are the proper tools to investigate, were mandated by Religious beliefs not to inquire or simply did not believe it worthy of the effort. We would like to believe that UFOs are simply mechanical devices and the Aliens are physical beings like ourselves yet they appear to defy our model of reality. Their technology seems more like magic than anything based in science and that leads us to believe the reports to be the stuff of fantasy or psychosis. Many have just decided that these apparent technological feats are impossible to achieve and dismiss the whole phenomena without even the slightest examination of the evidence at hand. If we look back on our own history and those who are responsible for the greatest advances in human thinking, we find that spiritualism is quite prevalent. Albert Einstein argued, "God does not play dice." Others like Stephen W. Hawking often strive to explain the Universe in terms of How a Creator might exist. In fact, it is said that there is no Cosmological or Quantum Physicist that does not believe in God. The work simply is too humbling to believe it all came about as a result of chance. If you were to ask any physicist what is the nature of matter, they will tell you that there is no matter, no space and no time as we would like to think of it, rather our universe is composed of only energy and our "reality" is purely a matter of perception! In other words, the deepest disciplines of science have determined the entire Universe to be nothing but an elaborate illusion. And thus, Science has rediscovered Philosophy yet the public fails to acknowledge it! It is therefore inescapable that to understand anything requires the use of more than just the five senses of our physical bodies. There are two sides to our brains, the analytical and the creative. Both must be integrated for us to truly see. The recent emphasis on the physical sciences over the past 250 years (right-brain, analytical) has caused us to rely only on physical results and in this time we have de-emphasized our instinct and intuition (left-brain, creative). Our current Paradigm has prevented us from the continued development of the "other" senses and as a result, we are blind to the rest of the picture. Science can bring many things to Humanity but the sole reliance on this alone can only take us so far and as we have seen, can often create more trouble than we realize. The Human Being is primarily creative yet we have forsaken this in favor of learned, analytical thinking that often runs contrary to our nature and has caused a great imbalance in our ability to understand. We are adaptable beings and we do not retain traits which we do not use, such as our instinct or sixth-sense which for quite sometime has remained unstimulated. If we do not begin to flex these mental muscles, we may lose them forever and as a result, diminish the quality of the Human Race and perhaps even doom ourselves to extinction! We must realize that we are more than just our years of living and our jobs and personal possessions. If there is a Human Spirit (and I think we all sense that there is) it will take more than Science to shed light on its nature. The Universe is more than a cosmic dance of lifeless subatomic particles and physical laws and we are wasting our efforts on less important things. We are here for a reason. The reason is one which is not only to be determined but more importantly understood. This pursuit of knowledge always points inward and the questions we ask about the nature of the Universe itself will yield the answers to our own nature. There is no science without philosophy. Facts without understanding and meaning impart nothing useful whatsoever to Humanity."
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