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Droca s pedigreom

Posts : 362
Join date : 07.05.2009
Dob : 36
Lokacija : Zagreb

PostajNaslov: VJENČANJE   VJENČANJE Emptypet lis 16, 2009 6:46 am

Bi li htjela imati vjenčanje jednog dana?? Kako ga zamišljate??? Ajde, ajde, baš me zanima!!!
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Dark angel

Posts : 617
Join date : 21.05.2009
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PostajNaslov: Re: VJENČANJE   VJENČANJE Emptypet lis 16, 2009 11:21 am

Da, htjela bih (eto, nisu sva djeca razvedenih roditelja protiv braka Razz ). Kako ga zamišljam? Ja (uglavnom) ne volim obične i klasične stvari, tako da ne bih voljela ni da mi vjenčanje bude klasično. Razz
Mjesto koje mi se čini kao najzanimljivije (i najromantičnije Laughing ) za sklapanje (svog) braka je IceChurch u švedskom IceHotelu, koji se nalazi 200 km sjeverno od Arktičkog kruga, a kapelica je, naravno, kao i cijeli hotel - od leda. Cool
Način sklapanja braka - handfasting. Now, what is handfasting?
Handfasting is the rite of marriage in neo-Pagan Witchcraft and neo-Paganism. Handfastings are usually performed in the ritual Circle and officiated by a high priestess and/or high priest. The ceremony is usually written by the couple, although many Wiccan groups and traditions have created their own, "standardized" version of the handfasting rite.
The expression "handfasting" refers to the central ritual action of the rite, in which the couple's hands are bound together with a cloth or cord to symbolize their joined lives. Traditionally, this cord is not to be removed until the marriage has been consumated. Gold or silver rings (perhaps inscribed with the couples' Craft names) may be exchanged by the couple during handfasting.
During some ceremonies the couple may jump over a broomstick for good luck. The high priestess also often uses the broomstick to symbolically "sweep away" evil and strife. The ceremony may include a variant of the Great Rite. As with the marriage ceremonies of most religious traditions, handfasting rites conclude with great feasting and merriment.
Unless the high priest or high priestess is an ordained minister, handfasting is preceded or followed by a legal marriage ceremony. Traditionally, the rite of handfasting intentionally lasts as long as the couple are in love, not until death. Another common tradition sets a betrothal ceremony which is to be followed by a "permanent" handfasting or handparting after a year and a day have passed.

in love cheers1
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Droca s pedigreom

Posts : 362
Join date : 07.05.2009
Dob : 36
Lokacija : Zagreb

PostajNaslov: Re: VJENČANJE   VJENČANJE Emptysub lis 17, 2009 7:38 am

Nemam curu je napisao/la:
Da, htjela bih (eto, nisu sva djeca razvedenih roditelja protiv braka Razz ). Kako ga zamišljam? Ja (uglavnom) ne volim obične i klasične stvari, tako da ne bih voljela ni da mi vjenčanje bude klasično. Razz
Mjesto koje mi se čini kao najzanimljivije (i najromantičnije Laughing ) za sklapanje (svog) braka je IceChurch u švedskom IceHotelu, koji se nalazi 200 km sjeverno od Arktičkog kruga, a kapelica je, naravno, kao i cijeli hotel - od leda. Cool
Način sklapanja braka - handfasting. Now, what is handfasting?
Handfasting is the rite of marriage in neo-Pagan Witchcraft and neo-Paganism. Handfastings are usually performed in the ritual Circle and officiated by a high priestess and/or high priest. The ceremony is usually written by the couple, although many Wiccan groups and traditions have created their own, "standardized" version of the handfasting rite.
The expression "handfasting" refers to the central ritual action of the rite, in which the couple's hands are bound together with a cloth or cord to symbolize their joined lives. Traditionally, this cord is not to be removed until the marriage has been consumated. Gold or silver rings (perhaps inscribed with the couples' Craft names) may be exchanged by the couple during handfasting.
During some ceremonies the couple may jump over a broomstick for good luck. The high priestess also often uses the broomstick to symbolically "sweep away" evil and strife. The ceremony may include a variant of the Great Rite. As with the marriage ceremonies of most religious traditions, handfasting rites conclude with great feasting and merriment.
Unless the high priest or high priestess is an ordained minister, handfasting is preceded or followed by a legal marriage ceremony. Traditionally, the rite of handfasting intentionally lasts as long as the couple are in love, not until death. Another common tradition sets a betrothal ceremony which is to be followed by a "permanent" handfasting or handparting after a year and a day have passed.

in love cheers1
Sviđa mi se jako:):SmileSmile

Ja bih htjela vjenčanje u zagrebačkom botaničkom vrtu:)Smile Imala bih prekrasnu bijelu haljinu, naravno jednostavnu. Zabava bi bila u velikom bijelom šatoru. Unutra bi bili veliki stolovi ukrašeni bijelim ružama, što bi simboliziralo čistu i nevinu ljubav. Svi bi morali plesati i biti sretni:) Nakon same zabave, otišle bi na medeni mjesec u obližnji hotel ili zajednički stan krstiti početak našeg zajedničkog života. Nemojte se smijati,al ja već imam sliku vjenčanice kakvu bih htjela.
Ako mi ne uspije ovo s botaničkim, onda može i neka napuštena plaža. Prekrasno vjenčanje, zalazak sunca, ljude koje volimo...... I nakon toga, medeni mjesec u apartmanu koji je luksuzno namješten i naravno krevet s baldahinom....... Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed
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