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 Homoseksualnost i voodoo

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Dark angel

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PostajNaslov: Homoseksualnost i voodoo   Homoseksualnost i voodoo Emptypon ruj 28, 2009 3:52 am

Homosexuality in Voodoo is religiously acceptable and homosexuals are allowed to participate in all religious activities. However, in countries with large Voodoo populations (such as Benin or Haiti) Christian influence has given homosexuality a social stigma (see homosexuality and Christianity), at least on some levels of society. The Voodoo religion itself has remained open to people of all sexual orientations.

Views of Homosexuality
Voodoo is primarily an ecstatic and not a fertility-based religion (see Fertility rites.) This means that members are not required by any religious law to reproduce, and homosexuals are not pressured to do so. Voodoo views sexual orientation as a part of the way God makes a person; homosexuals are free to pursue members of the same sex just as heterosexuals are free to pursue members of the opposite sex.
Male homosexuals are seen as under the protection of the Erzulie Freda, loa of love and beauty. She is very effeminate, allowing gay men to exhibit stereotypical traits during religious ceremonies. Erzulie Dantor is seen as the patron of lesbians, although she is herself bisexual having alot of children and two husbands simbi makaya and ti jean petro though she is said to perfer the company of women.

Religious Experience
During Voodoo ceremonies, the houngans (priests), mambos (priestesses), and hounsis (initiates) dance around a poteau-mitan until one of them becomes possessed by one of the loa. A person can be possessed by any loa, regardless of gender. Many people have observed that gay men are more frequently possessed by female loa, and lesbians are more frequently possessed by male loa. During possession, the possessed dancer will begin to behave like the loa they are possessed by and they are treated with the utmost respect.
Interestingly, when a homosexual is possessed by a heterosexual loa, they begin to behave as heterosexuals.

Social Attitudes
Countries with large Voodoo populations may not be as open to homosexuality as one would expect. All of these countries have been colonized by European powers, France and Spain especially, who imposed their Roman Catholicism on the people. This had the effect of importing European views on homosexuality to these nations. In Benin, for instance, a former French colony, homosexuality remains a crime.
In Haiti, homosexuality remains taboo, especially in extremely poor areas where many people are forced to live in small spaces. However, homophobia in Haiti is far less prevalent than in neighbouring countries like Jamaica; instead of being seen as a sin, as in predominantly Christian societies, it is seen as more of an unfortunate trick by God on the homosexual person. In recent years as the Catholic Church has lost some political influence in Haiti, Voodoo has become more culturally predominant, and homosexuality has become more acceptable. In some parts of Haiti (especially Port-au-Prince) temples have opened with solely gay or lesbian clergies. Gays and lesbians in Haiti who are seeking spirituality usually turn to Voodoo, because the other two religious presences in the country, Roman Catholicism and Evangelicalism, generally disapprove of homosexuality.
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Judina sestra
...and Judas priest
Judina sestra

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PostajNaslov: Re: Homoseksualnost i voodoo   Homoseksualnost i voodoo Emptypon ruj 28, 2009 8:16 am

Interesantno. Hajde, drago mi je da nisu sve religije protiv. Ali ipak, većina jest, na žalost.
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Alex Ray

Alex Ray

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Homoseksualnost i voodoo Empty
PostajNaslov: Re: Homoseksualnost i voodoo   Homoseksualnost i voodoo Emptyuto ruj 29, 2009 1:12 pm kolko sam ja informirana (a to nije nužno točno) voodoo nije religija. religija je nešto što se zove hoodoo. a voodoo su samo obredi. neznam, nisam sigurna.
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Dark angel

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Join date : 21.05.2009
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Homoseksualnost i voodoo Empty
PostajNaslov: Re: Homoseksualnost i voodoo   Homoseksualnost i voodoo Emptyuto ruj 29, 2009 1:24 pm

Alex Ray je napisao/la: kolko sam ja informirana (a to nije nužno točno) voodoo nije religija. religija je nešto što se zove hoodoo. a voodoo su samo obredi. neznam, nisam sigurna.

Hoodoo, not to be confused with Voodoo (Vodun), refers to a brand of traditional folk magic originally derived from the magickal and ritual practices of captured slaves. These practices were imported to the New World from West Africa and gradually syncretized with other types of indigenous folk magic. Today, hoodoo is popular in the southern United States, where hoodoo practices have been significantly influenced by the adoption of European and Native American types of folk magic as well as Christian Kaballism.
Hoodoo is often used in African-American vernacular to describe a magic spell or potion, as well as a descriptor for a practitioner (hoodoo doctor, hoodoo man or hoodoo woman).
The word "hoodoo" is derived from the Ewe word Hudu, which still exists in the language today. The term "hoodoo" can be dated at least as early as 1891.
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