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 Shit happens

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4 posters
Dark angel

Posts : 617
Join date : 21.05.2009
Dob : 42
Lokacija : Galactica

Shit happens Empty
PostajNaslov: Shit happens   Shit happens Emptysri lip 10, 2009 7:56 am

Dianaic: Shit happens when men are around.

Norse: If shit happens, beat the crap out of it.

Feminist: Get in touch with your inner shit.

Solitary: If shit happens; Duck!

Eco-Feminist: We've got to clean up this shit.

Gardenarian: Shit happens in degrees.

Alexandrian: Shit happens because Gardner told us so.

Dabbler: We have ways of making shit happen.

Eclectic: We make our own shit.

Newbie: I don't understand this shit. -OR-
I like this shit.

Ceremonial Magician: No-one understands my shit.

Wiccan: You must balance your shit.

Witch: I can use this shit.

Druid: This is old shit.

Greek: Let's drink to this shit.

Reconstructionist: This shit happened before.

Celtic: This shit keeps happening to us.

Modern Western: We'll fight to keep our shit.

Fundamentalist: We know who to blame for this shit.

Priest: This shit happens every year.

Traditionalist: Don't tell anyone about this shit.

Fam-Trad: I inherited this shit.

Visionary: Let's smoke this shit.

Former Catholics: If shit happens, I'm not to blame, I'm not to blame...

Techno - freak: This shit always happens when I'm online.
[Vrh] Go down
Alex Ray

Alex Ray

Posts : 216
Join date : 25.04.2009
Dob : 34
Lokacija : blizu Sunca

Shit happens Empty
PostajNaslov: Re: Shit happens   Shit happens Emptysri lip 10, 2009 12:58 pm

[Vrh] Go down

Posts : 87
Join date : 23.05.2009

Shit happens Empty
PostajNaslov: Re: Shit happens   Shit happens Emptysub lip 27, 2009 3:45 pm

Shit happens Relofwrldtee_shirt_shit_happens

Na svašta naiđeš kada tražiš neke informacije o religijama na internetu
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Dark angel

Posts : 617
Join date : 21.05.2009
Dob : 42
Lokacija : Galactica

Shit happens Empty
PostajNaslov: Re: Shit happens   Shit happens Emptyned lip 28, 2009 1:10 am

femina je napisao/la:
Shit happens Relofwrldtee_shirt_shit_happens

Na svašta naiđeš kada tražiš neke informacije o religijama na internetu

E vidiš, ovo tvoje nisam našla Smile A ovo moje je pagan humor, našla dok sam istraživala wicca-u, pa stavih da se i drugi malo smiju Laughing
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Judina sestra
...and Judas priest
Judina sestra

Posts : 981
Join date : 23.04.2009
Dob : 39
Lokacija : Zagreb

Shit happens Empty
PostajNaslov: Re: Shit happens   Shit happens Emptypon ruj 28, 2009 2:29 am

da, da, ovo je odlično! Very Happy Ja pak ovo s ideologijama nisam vidjela, ovo s religijama jesam. Very Happy
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Shit happens Empty
PostajNaslov: Re: Shit happens   Shit happens Empty

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Shit happens
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